‘Riva’, Earl Street , Dundalk Co.Louth

‘Riva’, Earl Street , Dundalk Co.Louth
Located along the busiest thoroughfare in Dundalk Town Centre the sale of thisthriving restaurant with seating capacity for over 80 people offers a rare opportunity to acquire an established business which can be built on with extended opening hours .
These recently refurbished premises operate on a special restaurant licence generating a Gross Turnover of €990,000.00 in 2015
Riva opened its doors in August 2006 operated by Bernie Murphy and Sara McCarrick as a daytime diner and Coffee facility , transitioning over the years to become one of Dundalk’s leading restaurants consistently in the top 5 restaurants of the region on TripAdvisor
Riva employs 20 staff including a team of 6 chefs who deliver a variety of quality freshly cooked Breakfast , Lunch and Dinner menus crafted to appeal to thevariety of their Dundalk clientele .
Viewing highly recommended and by appointment only
Riva was totally refurbished in May 2016 including new Ladies & Gents Toilets , new Kitchen and extractors , new restaurant floor , new furnishings and Bar and upholstery with the addition Office and Storage areas .
The proprietors Tim & Bernie Murphy believe this is the perfect time for new energetic owners to bring Riva to it’s full potential
Lease from 1st September 2002 , Term 25 years
Reviews 5 yearly , Passing Rent € 45,000.00 per annum